
Install Arduino IDE on raspberry pi 4 and 5 2025

commands 1. sudo apt install arduino -y 2. sudo usermod -aG dialout $USER 3. sudo reboot

Gas sensors types and use FuturisticIOx

Understanding MQ Gas Sensors and Interfacing with Arduino Uno Gas sensors play a vital role in monitoring air quality and detecting hazardous gases in the environment. The MQ series of gas sensors are widely used for their reliability, affordability, and ease of use. Each MQ sensor is designed to detect specific gases, making them versatile for various applications. In this blog, we’ll explore the features and applications of popular MQ sensors and learn how to interface them with an Arduino Uno . Overview of MQ Gas Sensors 1. MQ-135 (Air Quality & Hazardous Gas Sensor) Detectable Gases : Ammonia (NH3), Sulfide, Benzene, and Smoke. Applications : Air quality monitoring, pollution detection, and industrial safety. Output : Analog and digital. 2. MQ-2 (Smoke and Flammable Gas Sensor) Detectable Gases : Methane (CH4), Propane, Butane, Smoke, and LPG. Applications : Smoke detectors and gas leakage systems. Output : Analog and digital. 3. MQ-3 (Alcohol Sensor) Detecta...

Gas leak detector project with free code and circuit diagram

Arduino Code- #include <Servo.h> const int gasSensorPin = A0;   // Analog pin connected to the MQ2 gas sensor const int ledPin = 12 ; const int servoPin = 3 ;   // Digital pin connected to the servo const int buzzerPin = 10 ;   // Digital pin connected to the buzzer const int exhaustFanPin = 9 ; const int homeLightInterlockPin = 8 ; const int gasThreshold = 400 ;   // Threshold value for gas detection (adjust based on your testing) Servo myServo;           // Create servo object to control a servo bool alarmFlag = false ;   // Flag to check if the servo has already moved void setup () {    myServo . attach ( servoPin ) ;    myServo . write ( 0 ) ;   // Initial position of the servo    pinMode ( gasSensorPin, INPUT ) ;    pinMode ( ledPin, OUTPUT ) ;    pinMode ( buzzerPin, OUTPUT ) ;    pinMode ( e...